Happy Yeti 2024 - Limited Winter Blend
Get ready to reunite with our cozy companion from the snowy mountains. Each year, the Joyful Yeti makes an appearance in cups of various shapes and sizes, adding some extra joy and wonder to those cold winter days. Take a look at all the details on this year's enchanting furry buddy down below!
We Taste: Chocolate Covered Marshmallow, Maple Syrup, and Pizzelles
This years blend is made up of our Costa Rica La Rosa and Colombia washed. This combo creates a sweet crowd pleaser of a cup sure to satisfy any hairy hominids caffeine craving!
Brew Recommendations:
Kalita wave
Dose: 20g.
Grind: Medium Coarse (on Baratza Encore / Virtuoso 17)
Water: 300ml of at 202 degrees Fahrenheit
Bloom: 40ml of water saturating the coffee. Let sit for 1 minute 2nd Pour: Pour in circles until you're at 100ml
Final Pulse Pours: Add 20-40ml of water each pour until reaching 300ml. Allow coffee to drain almost fully between pours.
Final Brew Time: 3-4 minutes